Pulse Magazine


FSC Announces Formation of the Sexual Wellness Professional Alliance

The new trade organization aims to serve the growing needs of industry workers

Burbank, CA (December 5, 2023) – The Free Speech Coalition (FSC) has teamed with a group of sexual wellness professionals to form the industry’s first formal trade organization, the Sexual Wellness Professionals Alliance (SWPA). Operating as division of the FSC, the SWPA will primarily focus on serving the complex needs of individuals within sexual wellness manufacturing, distribution, sales, and education.

Membership signups will begin in January following the group’s kick off presentation at ANME in Burbank. The SWPA’s formation has been developing over the last 18 months and builds upon significant past efforts by the FSC and other professionals to build this type of collective. Taking to heart all that was previously learned, the new group chose to focus on professional growth and industry success while supporting the FSC.

Led by a core team from the FSC, development meetings have included over a dozen industry vets representing every constituent sector from manufacturing to distribution. From there, committees for operations, membership, and marketing were formed. Finally, the group selected a three-person steering committee comprised of Scott Watkins of Doc Johnson, Alicia Sinclair of COTR, and Ken Herskovitz of Vibratex.

“This alliance is necessary for the growth of our industry and the individual professionals who make a difference for businesses and consumers”, says Scott Watkins.  “We will work together to make this collective strong by providing the expertise of our board members, programs that assist with growth and continuous support from the industry in a whole.  We look forward to having everyone join us in January 2024.”

The SWPA has established a four-part mission: Create a unified voice for sexual wellness industry professionals; improve collaborative, professional communication; offer education, mentorship opportunities, and shared resources; and financially support the FSC’s legal advocacy on behalf of sexual wellness businesses.

The group is planning a strong presence at the January ANME show, which will include a staffed booth, presentation, and membership kickoff. Follow this space for additional details. Prior to open enrollment, interested industry professionals can learn more about the group’s overall mission and planning by visiting http://FreeSpeechCoalition.com/SWPA or reaching out to our alliance administrator Tamara Bell at tamara@freespeechcoalition.com.

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