Los Angeles, CA / February 5, 2024: FUN FACTORY, the pioneers of playfulness, are urging their customers to forget Valentine’s Day traditions and have a sexier, more modern, and more indulgent anti-Valentine’s celebration. Their latest customer survey showed that lots of folks are on the same page: A whopping 97% of people believe love should be celebrated every day of the year.
The survey, taken by over 600 Americans, revealed that almost 50% of people say they’d rather “cut out the fuss” and say “f**k Valentine’s Day” altogether. FUN FACTORY’s new customizable kits help them do just that.
There are reasons behind these customers’ V-Day skepticism. For one, Valentine’s Day is practically synonymous with breakups. Ever heard of Red Tuesday? According to YouGov data, about one in 14 Americans has broken up with someone on V-Day and according to FUN FACTORY’s own survey, a whopping 44% of the brand’s customers have been dumped around Valentine’s. Contrast that with the 21% of customers who say it’s okay to date someone through V-Day and break up soon after.
It’s no wonder 16% of customers want to avoid the holiday, 23% couldn’t care less, 36% don’t find it remotely sexy, and 2% are spending it alone, even though they’re partnered up. Always one to listen to customer feedback, FUN FACTORY is taking an anti-Valentine’s approach to the holiday and offering customizable kits with powerful, ethically made sex toys and premium accessory options.
The curate-your-own kits will sell for $214 in honor of 2/14, and represent a discount of up to 45% off – which is over $180!
A specially built landing page allows buyers to choose an experience, solo or partnered, before getting to the exciting part—personalizing their own sexy kit to use all year round. There’s even expert content, covering everything from dating after divorce to casting a self-love spell!
Kristen Tribby, Global Head of Marketing and Education at FUN FACTORY, explains: “Our customers talked, and we listened. We created the anti-Valentine’s campaign to allow our customers to choose how they want to celebrate this day—not how society tells them they should. This idea came when 90% of our customers revealed they would rather shop online with a brand that takes an unconventional approach to Valentine’s Day. That’s exactly what we brought them.
“Our anti-Valentine’s campaign is modern; it’s fun, inclusive, and hyper-personalized. It not only provides customers with an opportunity to curate their own V-Day box and save a ton, but also offers special content for single people, couples, throuples, and polycules. We wanted to really ensure we’re giving everyone everything they need for celebrating love every day of the year, in whichever way they choose!”
Even our Sexperts are on board. Zachary Zane, Sex Expert at FUN FACTORY says: “We should all be able to celebrate love EVERY SINGLE DAY, whether you’re single, couple, throuple, or in a massive polycule. For decades, we’ve been exposed to content only relating to couples in ‘traditional,’ heteronormative relationships, and this is not how every person likes to celebrate Valentine’s Day, or if they even want to celebrate it at all. We deserve more than roses, cards, and gender-based advertisements. I hope more brands will follow Fun Factory’s example and help create a space where EVERYONE feels loved in whatever way they’re comfortable with, no matter the day!”
Zach even curated his own personalized kit, which included MANTA, DUKE, BI AMOR, and his book, Boyslut.
Oh, and here’s the silver lining about the whole breakup thing—in case of a split, 60% agree: The one who received the toys gets to keep them. So whether you’re treating yourself or receiving from another, expect sexy fun all year round.
So, join the anti-Valentine’s movement this Valentine’s and curate your own custom kit. The custom bundles are available now at https://us.funfactory.com/
FUN FACTORY is an innovator in the adult toy industry, combining German engineering with a sense of joyful experimentation to create pleasure products that are both superior and unique in design. Since 1996, their factory in Bremen, Germany has employed eco-friendly methods and fair labor practices in producing their bestselling FUN FACTORY toys.
The custom bundles are available at https://us.funfactory.com/
One can personalize one’s own bundle with three sex toys and an accessory from some of the industry’s top brands including Spareparts, Liberator and SUTIL. Here are the options:
PLEASE NOTE: we do have a media affiliate program which you can benefit from here: ShareASale (20% base rate): LINK HERE
For explorers (one pick):
VIM – Nominated as a luxury product of the year by XBIZ
Award-winning JEWELS
Award-winning COBRA LIBRE II
DUKE – Recommended by Zach Zane – Boyslut author, and Men’s Health and Cosmo columnist
For vibration lovers (one pick):
LAYA III– Nominated as couples sex toy of the year by XBIZ
BED BUCKLER by Liberator
For pleasure seekers (one pick):
BOOTIE FEM – Nominated as non-powered sex toy of the year by XBIZ
LIMBA FLEX (all sizes)
BI AMOR – Recommended by Zach Zane – Boyslut author, and Men’s Health and Cosmo columnist
Accessories (one pick):
All SUTIL Lubes (2 oz)
You can access all images here: https://drive.google.com/
The independent survey was facilitated by Fun Factory and compiled answers from over 600 US based Fun Factory customers. Full survey results are available on request and below or further key findings.
Over 600 Americans were surveyed (617) and of th 617:-
36.3% are women (including transgender women)
55.9% are men (including transgender men)
53% are coupled (monogamous, together for 5 years or more)
12.3% are single and not dating
9.6% are widowed
8.6% are single and dating
Anti-Valentines insights from the survey found:
39% of people don’t plan to buy a gift at all this Valentine’s Day while almost 14% are planning to treat themselves.
70% of people surveyed believe in Valentine’s Day gifting
Only 22% think Valentines is romantic and a good opportunity to reconnect with a partner
But over a third (36.5%) just think its a consumer frenzy and doesn’t inspire romance or horniness
Almost a quarter (24%) of people admitted being dumped on, just before, or just after Valentines
With 74% of people admitting they would prefer to be dumped just before Valentines.
And there’s 21% who would stay with a partner just because it’s Valentine’s Day and dump them afterwards
Almost a quarter (23.7%) don’t care about Valentines
16.4 % of people avoid Valentine’s Day completely
And even 2% of people said while they have a partner, they prefer to spend Valentines alone
Almost a quarter (24%) of people admitted being dumped on, just before, or just after Valentines
36.5% of people think Valentine’s is a consumer frenzy and doesn’t inspire romance or horniness
16.4% of people avoid Valentines completely
51.5% would rather cut the fuss and say fuck Valentine’s Day this year
90.8% would rather shop online with a brand that takes an unconventional approach to Valentine’s Day
In a breakup:
56.8% of people say the person the sex toys were bought for should get them
13% say the person who liked them the most should get them
16.7% say the person who bought them should keep them