Pulse Magazine


Sex Toy Company Balldo is Up for Sale

Sex toy company is looking to sell its company and assets to any interest parties. See the following below: 

“Dear friends and followers of our my beloved company.

My name is Jerry Davies and I am the inventor of the Balldo and owner of the Balldo brands and patents. For some time now, I have been toying with selling the Balldo enterprise and I have now decided its in the brands best interest for me to pass it on. I have some challenges in life at the moment and I am just not able to give it the attention it needs.

I know we have quite a few super-fans out there in this mailing list – you know who you are….. and I thought I would give you guys and everyone else on the mailing list an opportunity to step up and buy the entire company off me.

I am looking for around $180,000 for the total ownership of the company. I am sure you will agree, that is a small amount to pay for a US, UK and EU patent with 17 years of exlusivity remaining on it.

AND MORE IMPORTANTLY – That patent gives men two dicks…


Let’s just say that again together……. ‘TWO d!cks’!!!!!

The business is easy to run – Its perfect for the digital nomad – it just takes a few hours a week and no office space or warehousing is required. I can train you on what to do. The business has had a healthy turnover to date and it makes a profit and would be a great fit for a marketeer or someone who is an expert in social medial posting..

Balldo ‘fires’ as i call them, frequently erupt on social leading to purchasing sprees…. I dont do ANY social posts or marketing at all apart from the odd email now and then…… imagine what could be achieved by a skilled Tik-Tokker ???

There are more products yet to be released that are protected by the patent which are equally as viral as the Balldo. I will help you launch these if required.

If you want to know more – just contact me directly on jerry@nadgerz.com and I can tell you more!”

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